Create your WtERT-account
Welcome to the Global WtERT Council`s Database of the Waste to Energy Research and Technology Network!
To become a WtERT-Member you can register here and enter some basic data about your person. By registering, your personal profile will be automatically generated.
Only if you agree, your profile will be shown on Please fill in some information that will be useful in communication with other members and upload your picture.
In your profile, you can classify yourself as an interested party or as an expert. As a rule, our users are both:
- Expert in the areas you know in detail or in relation to the country you live or work in, and
- Interested party in the areas you would like to develop or in relation to the country in which you are looking for partners for a project.
As of October 2022, a visual distinction will be made between experts and interested parties.
After registration
As of October 2022, you can get in touch with members, experts and partner companies to discuss their specific approach to waste management solutions. As a WtERT-Member you can also use the filters to search directly for experts on specific topics or from specific countries or members who are interested in these topics or countries.
We are looking forward to a fruitful communication and cooperation!