Environmental assessment of landfill gas mitigation using biocover and gas collection with energy utilisation at aging landfills
A life cycle-based environmental assessment was conducted on the mitigation of landfill gas emissions, by implementing biocover and gas collection along with energy utilisation at aging landfills.
by C. Scheutz*, Z. Duan, J. Møller, P. Kjeldsen
A life cycle-based environmental assessment was conducted on the mitigation of landfill gas emissions, by implementing biocover and gas collection along with energy utilisation at aging landfills. Based on recent studies about gas generation at Danish landfills, the efficiency of the mitigation technologies involved and the composition of substituted energy production, 15 scenarios were modelled using the EASETECH life cycle assessment model, through which potential environmental impacts in the category "Climate change” were calculated. In all scenarios, biocover and gas collection systems with energy utilisation led to significant environmental improvements compared to the baseline scenario with no emission mitigation action. Scenarios representing biocovers with methane oxidation efficiencies between 70 and 90 % were environmentally superior in terms of climate change impact – in comparison to scenarios with 20–30 years of gas collection and energy utilisation (collection efficiencies between 40 and 80 %). Combining gas collection with energy utilisation and the subsequent installation of a biocover saw major improvements in comparison to where only gas collection and energy utilisation were in effect. Overall, it can be concluded that a biocover under the given assumptions is environmentally more appropriate than gas collection and utilisation at aging landfills, mainly due to methane emissions escaping through the landfill cover during and after the gas collection period playing a crucial role in the latter situation. Maintaining high methane oxidation efficiency for a biocover throughout the lifetime of a landfill is vital for reducing environmental impacts.
Environmental assessment of landfill gas mitigation using biocover and gas collection with energy utilisation at aging landfills Scheutz, C., Duan, Z., Møller, J. & Kjeldsen, P., 2023, In: Waste Management. 165, p. 40-50 11 p.
published: DTU Orbit, 12|2023
Keywords: Energy Recovery, Landfilling, Pollution Control, Sustainability, Climate, Resource management
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