Wehrle-Werk AG
Bismarckstr. 1-11
D - 79312 Emmendingen

+ 49 7641 585-0
Decentralized Waste-to-Energy plants nowadays are competitive in operation cost per unit with large, centralized plants. This is due to a high level of standardization and economies of quantity. Local waste disposal and energy generation combined, with short transport distances, contribute to the energy transition and regional disposal/ supply independence. For decentral thermal utilization or disposal of domestic & hazardous waste, production waste and sewage sludge, WEHRLE offers a range of solutions from robust grate firing to highly flexible fluidized bed incineration plants.
Dipl. Ing. Frank Natau
Business Development Water

Based on our core competence of high - quality process engineering we offer the complete spectrum from process evaluation incl. lab trials, upscaling, process dimensioning, plant construction, instal-
lation, field services and plant operation with FULL–SERVICE–contracts for decades. As boiler manufacturer and service provider we serve waste incineration plants since the 1950s. For the treatment
of “waste derived liquids” we are the undisputable global technology leader. With decentralized Waste-to-Energy plants we contribute to replace fossil fuels.

Design, engineering, fabrication and services for
✓ Treatment plants for liquids of waste management centers
✓ Decentralized Waste-to- Energy plants
✓ Plant service, operation & life-cycle management
✓ > 160 years old - founded in 1860
✓ 100 % family owned
✓ run by family member CEO in the 6th generation
✓ > 280 employees worldwide

Reverse Osmosis container plant for “Separation”
✓ Plug and play - containerized
✓ High performance 80 bar system
✓ Variable flow rate
✓ All-on-Board - quick installation / rental units
✓ Delivery time 2 – 3 month

Advanced leachate treatment with BIOMEMBRAT® Heavy-Duty Membrane Bioreactor for “Elimination”
✓ True elimination of COD/BOD/NH4-N
✓ No concentrate remaining
✓ BAT - technology - life cycle solution
✓ > 300 global references from 50 to 5.000 m3/day

Decentral Waste-to-Energy plant GRATEFIRE Thermal waste utilization with standardized grate stoker incinerator < 12 MW
✓ Incineration of domestic waste
✓ Water cooled grate
✓ Compact, long-life & low maintenance plant design
✓ Regional production of heat and electricity