Highlights of WtERT at IFAT 2022

During the past May 30th till the 3rd of June the IFAT 2022 witnessed nearly 120,000 visitors from across the globe.

Global WtERT Council

WtERT Germany took part with an open appealing booth concept, with many visitors from Italy, India, USA, Chile, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Netherlands, etc. And of course also from German municipalities and companies.

Besides fruitful discussions with Dr. Johann Fellner from Technical University of Vienna about cooperation and participation as WtERT Austria, many international guests visited our booth. These included:

Yuri Schmidtke, Head of WtERT Brazil and Flavio Arantes Martos, Second Secretary of WtERT for Brazil


Werner Bauer, Flavio Arantes, Yuri Schmidtke

Lithuanian Delegation, Mr. Eriks Timpars from Latvia, to deepen the information from the strategy paper for the Baltic States " Impulses for a Sustainable Waste Management - Strategy Paper Baltic States"

Werner Bauer with visitors, including Eriks Timpars

Professor Dr. jur. Helmut Maurer from the Directorat General for the environmant, EU Comission, with discussions on the EU Taxonomy.

Professor Dr. jur. Helmut Maurer 

Gerrit Dortland, Netherlands, and Curt Boling, USA, Watershed GEO, American landfill project, further cooperation with WtERT.

Curt Boling, Gerrit Dortland, Werner Bauer

Jerome Friler, USA, Hedwig Vielreicher

Werner Bauer, Laurynas Virbickas, RATC, Kauno, Lithuania 


Marco Zingaro, Innovando s.r.l., Vicenza, Italy

Hedwig Vielreicher, Andi Andörfer, Germany

Marc Thiele W., Chile

Mr. Madero