A New Bill to Ban Disposal of Batteries is passed in New Hampshire

The general court of the state passed the Bill than banns disposal of batteries at landfills and incinerators.

Diana Butron

The previos legislation in New Hampshire forbade the disposal of some type of batteries such as wet- cell batteries and electronics such as CPU’s and video displays. The new Bill, aimed for the prevention of fires, now includes the ban from landfills and incinerators of lithium-ion batteries and any electronic devide. Also it requires owners and operator of landfills, incinerators and waste to energy plants to display a warning and information about the ban. In addition public outreach and education will be necessary.


Quinn, M. (2024, June 18).
New Hampshire battery disposal ban bill heads to governor” Waste Dive. https://www.wastedive.com/news/battery-ban-new-hampshire-lithium-ion-electronics/
Butchko, D.,( 2024, June19). "New Hampshire Passes Bill to Ban Disposal of Batteries” Maryland Association of Counties, https://conduitstreet.mdcounties.org/2024/06/19/new-hampshire-passes-bill-to-ban-disposal-of-batteries/