WtERT Presence at COP27, Egypt, November 2022 (By Prof. Nickolas Themelis, GWC)

The Global WtERT Council will be represented at COP27 by Prof. Mohy Mansour, Chair of WtERT, Egypt, Prof. Alex Godoy, Chair of WtERT-Chile and other WtERT members.

To members of WtERT: If you want to know what is COP27, read this.

The Global WtERT Council will be represented at COP2 by Prof. Mohy Mansour, Chair of WtERT, Egypt, Prof. Alex Godoy, Chair of WtERT-Chile and other WtERT members. In this link, you will see the presentation of Profs. Nickolas Themelis and Mohy Mansour to COP27, on the effect of global landfilling on the ongoing climate change.