Hanwei Zhang

Waste-to-Energy, Biomass-to-Energy, Hazardous Waste Incineration and high temperature corrosion protection

Hanwei Zhang
Vice President Engineering GWC, General Secretory WtERT Asia

Grandblue Environment, Global WtERT Council, WtERT Asia

United States of America

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Chinese, English

Thematic field of expertise:
Energy Recovery, Biomass, Hazardous Waste

Geographical field of expertise:
China, United States of America

Detailed description of working activity

Hanwei Zhang has been involved in many commercial WTE projects globally in the development of feasibility studies and proposals for integrated waste management to achieve commercially viable extraction and recycling of usable materials, combined with energy recovery from the remaining residual waste. He has rich experience on the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of WTE plants.

Current activity

VP-Engineering of GWC, Senior Consultant of Shanghai SUS Environment and also the general secretory of WTERT-Asia
Chief Technology Officer of Grandblue Environment and Dean of its research institute

Former activities

Worked for major WtE companies(Covanta Energy, Everbright Environment and SUS Environment) in the areas of technology development, international business development and operation management
Involved in commercial WTE projects globally in the development of feasibility studies and proposals for integrated waste management to achieve commercially viable extraction and recycling of usable materials, combined with energy recovery from the remaining residual waste

Chief Scientist, Shanghai SUS Environment (04/2019~04/2020)

Chief Technology Officer, China Everbright International (02/2016~03/2019)

Director of Research and Development, Covanta Energy (04/2009~01/2016)

Principal Engineer, Covanta Energy (04/2005~04/2009)

Senior Engineer, American Ref-fuel Co. (07/2003~04/2005)

Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Columbia University (01/2002~07/2003)


Ph.D. (Environmental Engineering), Columbia University, New York (2002)

M.S. (Chemical Engineering), Sichuan University, Chengdu, China

B.S. (Chemical Metallurgy), Sichuan University, Chengdu, China

