Environmental Technology, a Global Megatrend

How Green.tech fosters economy

Dipl.-Ing.(TU) Werner P. Bauer

Especially in times of the pandemic, it became clear that it was imperative to maintain the collection of waste. The entire industry was and still is considered systemically relevant, since, in addition to the reliability of waste disposal, the circular economy was recognized as an essential part of secondary raw material procurement. Plants for both material and thermal recycling (material and energy recovery) are operating at full capacity. Just as there are valid reasons for companies to integrate the principle of sustainability into their business models, it is also relevant for countries that still predominantly landfill their waste to recognize the blessing of the circular economy.

The virus - which is still ravaging much of the planet - reminds us of how vulnerable supply chains and efficiency-driven economies are in our closely networked, global world. In addition to the suffering and dying that continue to be seen as viruses and diseases spread rapidly, it has also became clear how vulnerable supply and disposal structures are when masses of employees become ill.

Which areas of the industry will grow - which will shrink? 
The study mentioned above assumes a global market volume of the green-tech industry of around 9,400 billion euros for 2030, which roughly corresponds to an annual growth of the global market for environmental technologies of more than 7 percent. It is time in particular for emerging economies to recognize the opportunities of a circular economy.
More than anything else, I wish you health for you personally and for your environment.
Werner Bauer 
Vice President of Global WtERT Council


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