SeasonĀ“s Greetings

Dear members and friends of the Global WtERT Council (GWC),

Prof. Nickolas J. Themelis

 WtERT is concerned with one of the least glamorous human activities, how to manage the residues of society sustainably, that is with least possible adverse effect on environmental resources. To achieve this goal, we bring together academic and industrial partners who pool their collective knowledge and disseminate this information globally by means of the web, publications, and conferences.

Despite the setback of the 2020 pandemic, WtERT has made progress this year, thanks to the efforts of the webpage developed by WtERT-Germany and, also, adding to our ranks three more national sister organizations: Canada, Morocco, and Turkey. A lot of progress has been made in China as exemplified by over four hundred state-of-art waste to energy plants and the launching of the new journal Waste Disposal and Renewable Energy

This year, the management of GWC has put together a blueprint for the future of our organization. It will be distributed before year-end to managers of the WtERT sister organizations, for review and comment.

Looking forward to seeing as many as possible of you, at the next face-to-face meeting of WtERT members, to be announced as soon as the pandemic has officially ended and international travel is again possible.

Prof. Nickolas J. Themelis,
Chair GWC


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